Author: maxiesouthernPage 2 of 3

I’ve Been Working Uku-lately

As mentioned in my last post, I have been working on my strumming pattern for “Ho Hey”, as well as my transitions between chords. I am struggling with…

EdTech Inquiry: A Mind Full of Mindfulness

 What are the benefits of mindfulness for students/teachers?    Is there a way to integrate the use of mindfulness apps into the classroom? Which mindfulness apps are free/accessible, and…

Don’t Fret

For the second half of my ukulele learning, I am going to try and learn the song “Ho Hey” by the Lumineers. This song not only incorporates two…

Not So Grate

This week I attempted to make Chef Lawrence Page’s five-cheese mac and cheese.  It did not go well…at all.  The summary of my cheesy disaster was that it…

Aspire To Inquire

This week we were given the opportunity to visit the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry (PSII), located in downtown Victoria. We were introduced to the philosophy and…

Cheesy On The Eyes

This week I tried Terry Crews’ mac and cheese (Mack and Jeezy) as seen on Tasty. I chose this recipe because it does not use a roux for…

Protected: Ukulele Midterm Video

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

I Am Falling For Uke

Last Friday we were given the class period to work on our musical growth project. Everyone who is learning ukulele went into one room and practiced together. On…

Better Luck Next Thyme

This week I made Gordon Ramsay’s macaroni and cauliflower bake. I chose this recipe because of the new elements that it incorporated. It uses three kinds of cheese,…

Digital Actuality With Jesse Miller’s Mediated Reality

This week our class was lucky enough to have  Jesse Miller from Mediated Reality come and speak to us about the concepts of digital identity, social media use in the professional…